I was exploring tips and tricks to drive traffic to my website. With a few years of experience in writing and advertising, I'm no newbie to blogging and digital marketing.
That being said, I believe in creating content that audiences like to read. So, without making much delay, I will quickly get to the point and share my experience of how I got 150,000 organic views on my Facebook video in just 2 days.
I don't have many followers
First of all, I would like to say that my Facebook page has only 5000 followers and I have not spent a single cent on my video. One day I read that videos are the easiest way to reach the masses and Facebook prioritizes video over a blog article or image post. With this thought in my mind, I set out to create a simple video, although my amateur video editing skills tried to stop me, I didn't stop.
I thought about turning one of my articles into a video. So, I took a highly viewed article and turned it into a simple slideshow video.
Already converted my article into a video
Since I didn't have the ability to make/edit videos, I opted to do it using an Android app and luckily I got one called 'Slideshow Maker'. Within 20 minutes, my video was ready. Whats Next? I posted it on my Instagram and got 15 views since the number of followers is much less.
This point in the life of a salesperson is crucial. If plan 'A' doesn't work, switch to plan 'B'. My plan B was Facebook. In my years of experience, I had discovered that marketing groups is one of the effective ways to drive viewers.
I quickly composed catchy lines and posted the video on my FB page and then through the relevant groups. People started to react and the rest was a miracle for me. A popular page shared my video and I got 150,000 views, 2k shares, 200+ tags and 58 comments. The video went viral and I literally couldn't believe it.
Let me share what went right with this video in 5 easy points.
Relevant content for the relevant audience
Always make sure you are writing for your audience. Identifying the target audience for your creation plays an important role. Whatever you've created, promote it where you think your audience will be. If your audience wants to eat a hamburger, then they will make a hamburger. Don't try to give them another dish.
Keep it simple
When writing or creating a video, make sure to keep things simple. Don't use jargon. Speak in a language that your audience understands and relates to.
Brand Promotion VS Information
A video that is more brand-oriented rarely goes viral. Always create your content strategy in such a way that you provide Information or make people excited. If you are telling an interesting story or if you are sharing unknown facts, people will definitely engage with your work. Always, the content and the brand should be in the ratio of 9: 1. Do not try to impose your brand or over advertise it. It is good to dedicate the last slide to your brand and the rest of your video should talk about the content.
Video title and cover image
If people are clicking on your video, then 90% goes to your title and cover image. So spend more time on the title and cover image.
Ask an influencer to share your video
There are people on social media with good followers who could share your video/blog. Reach out to relevant people and ask them to share your work on their page. This will help you reach a wider audience.