How to Use SEO to Win a Sale

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How to Use SEO to Win a Sale

Website promotion is often a "The winner takes it all". That means the best website will get the sale and all the other websites will get nothing no matter how good they are.

Suppose someone wants to buy a new smartphone. The person who searches on Google takes a look at the first page of results and then decides to buy something from one of the sites. This means that one site is put up for sale and the other sites receive nothing.

The above has an important implication: You just have to be a little better than your competitors to get many more sales.

If you make the change from being one of the discarded sites to the site that is chosen by the client, your sales will increase drastically. You are going to make the change from getting nothing to getting everything.

Your website has to survive three rounds in the fight for the customer:


Round 1 – Choose the right keywords

Start better than your competitors with the choice of suitable keywords. If you target keywords that are not used by people who want to buy then it is possible to get a lot of visitors, but not sales.

Your web pages should be optimized for keywords that attract people who are searching for the products and services you sell on your website and are willing to buy.


Round 2 – Get results on the first page

Of course, it is important target the right keywords. However, your website must also be found on the first page of Google, Yahoo and Bing results to attract customers.

Most people only take a look at the first page of results. If your website is not there, then potential customers are not going to find your website.

Use the tools in SEOprofiler to optimize your website so that it is included on the first page of results for your keywords. This is crucial if you want to sell.


Round 3 – Create a compelling website

It is not enough to be on the first page of search engine results. Your website must also be convincing. It must offer the customer what they are looking for, it must have a professional design and it must make it as easy as possible to buy.

That is why it is so important to work on improving the conversion rate of your web pages. By improving your conversion rate, you can generate more money “out of thin air” from your existing positioning.

A professional and reliable website with a good conversion rate also has positive side effects. Your customers are probably going to stay with your company longer and people are more likely to link to your website.

It takes some time to optimize a website, but it's worth the effort. Even small changes can have a huge impact on the number of sales you get. Make the change from being one of the discarded sites to the site that receives the sale and your sales go through the roof.

Remember that your competitors are also working on their websites. Even if you are better than your competitors you have to continue optimizing to stay ahead.

Source: Free Seo News