Digital Marketing Trends in Mexico

Digital Marketing Trends in Mexico Mars664

Digital Marketing Trends in Mexico

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Is your business ready to compete in the growing online market?

We all know examples of successful online businesses such as:, Amazon,,,,, or even,, capable of reaching millions of buyers and successfully sell their products through an internet portal, however, trying to successfully place a project to sell products online is not an easy task, the company will need to be advised by experts in this area, who Design the correct strategy that ensures the growth of your sales and the reach of the target consumers you intend to conquer.

Recent research from IAB Mexico, comScore, Microsoft Advertising and the Mexican Internet Association (AMPCI), among other sources, offers insight into the potential of this growing market.

Do you know the potential of Mexican users who search for products online?

En 2010 there was 34,9 million Internet users in Mexico, with 40 million expected by the end of 2011 y 56,4 million for the year 2014 Market growth for online businesses is forecast = 50%. Mexico is currently the fastest growing Internet market in Latin America, ahead of Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Chile.

Keys to understanding Mexico's online market

1. User profile

Mexicans spend 25,8 hours a month online, very close to main markets such as Colombia (26,6 hours), Brazil (27 hours) and Argentina (28,7 hours). Another interesting fact about Mexican Internet users is that they spend twice as much time on the Internet as they do watching television, whether free-to-air or cable TV.

The most common way Mexicans connected to the Internet was through desktop and laptop computers, but in 2010, 30% of Mexican users went online through mobile phones and 14% went online. In line with smartphones, this trend continues to increase.

2. What Mexicans like to do most online

Search (91% reach), social media (90%), multimedia (78%) and email (77%) are the top activities in terms of their reach. Mexico ranks number 6 in the use of Facebook in the world and is among Twitter's 16 markets. Mexico is also one of LinkedIn's fastest growing markets.

3. Most popular activities growing among Mexican Internet users

  • online entertainment
  • Read about technology and news
  • Listen to music
  • Shopping: 15% of Mexican Internet users made online purchases in 2010, triple the amount in 2009. Mexico is #2 in e-commerce in Latin America and is growing 50% annually. Forrester projects will reach $3,4 billion in 2016.

Comparatively with the huge increase in market line in Mexico, as shown in the numbers above, we have on the other hand unfortunately, that the development of web applications is not correlated with this impressive growth, since they use obsolete technology, such as Flash and framework structures.

And what's worse, this enormous gap between growing demand and the obsolete technology to deal with it, will affect the Mexican internet market forcefully in the coming years, when more and more websites will be requested by iPhones, iPads and phones. intelligent, removing an innumerable number of webaplications from circulation in our country for not being updated and not using Responsive Web Design (RWD) in their applications.

4. The use of mobile devices in Mexico

Internet connections through mobile units grew at 94,6 million in Mexico in the fourth quarter of the 2011, according to data from the Federal Telecommunications Commission (COFETEL). AND 42,6 Millions of them were in just four states plus the Federal District, representing almost half of all mobile connections in the country.

5. The five states of Mexico, with the most mobile connections, Q4 2011:

  • Federal District: 21.3 million
  • Jalisco: 6.9 million
  • Nuevo León: 5.6 million
  • Veracruz: 4.7 million
  • Puebla: 4.1 million

eMarketer estimates that mobile connections in Mexico It will reach 98 millions in 2012, becoming the second largest market in Latin America, after Brazil.

Smartphone and tablet penetration rates among active Internet users in Mexico stood in the 45% y 16%, respectively, surpassing those of the USAsystem. (44% y 14% respectively) and Canada (28% y 12% respectively), according to a global study carried out by UM (formerly Universal McCann) entitled “The Business of Social: Social Media Tracker 2012”.


  • usmediaconsulting 2011
  • newmediatrendwatch 2011
  • 2010 and 2011