WordPress.com Adds SEO Tools to Business Plan

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WordPress.com Adds SEO Tools to Business Plan


WordPress.com It is a service that does not allow users to install plugins to add functionality. Because of this, users are at the mercy of WordPress.com and the tools it offers for SEO management. These tools have expanded your ability to create custom meta descriptions, meta titles and live previews for WordPress.com business plan customers.

Meta descriptions allow you to create a text extract that is used by search engines and displayed in search results.


You can also customize the way page titles appear by reordering the attributes. For example, instead of the site name, Tagline, post title, you can change the post title, Tagline, the site name.

After setting a meta description and page title, you can use the live preview tool to see how your content will look in WordPress.com Reader, Google, Facebook, and Twitter.

Considering that these tools are new, many users may not know how to use them properly. Rebecca Gill, founder of Web-Savvy-Marketing and co-founder of SEO Bootcamp, shared the following tip with WP Tavern. These tips also apply to users of the version hosted on their own servers.

One thing I constantly mention is that meta titles and descriptions are your first opportunity to sell to visitors. It is what the visitor sees before they enter your website or blog. As such, they are very valuable. When used correctly, they increase search engine conversion click rates, which drive traffic, and SEO influences.

Each page or post should have a unique meta title and description. These must be filled out by a human being, for a human being, and must include your keyword.

They should not be filled with a lot of keywords or phrases. The goal is to use them to articulate what the content is about and encourage the user to read and click to the site or blog.

Source: WordPress Tavern.